Best WordPress Security Plugins for 2025

Best WordPress Plugins

WordPress has continued to maintain its status as one of the leading content management platforms in the world. However, this success has not come without its burdens. In recent years, we have seen a huge increase in WordPress-related attacks. As a result, the demand for reliable security plugins continues growing exponentially. Therefore, some companies, such as Sucuri, developed plugins that millions of customers rely on every day.

What makes a great WordPress security plugin?

The greatness of a WordPress security plugin is tied to its ability to keep up with the latest threats. Accordingly, most of the successful security plugins for WordPress use some form of real-time threat monitoring. Additionally, other methods of protection include query filters, login page protection, and universal databases of known attackers. Looking for the best plugin with which to secure your site? Check out the resources below.

Sucuri Security

Sucuri Security – Auditing Malware Scanner and Security Hardening — WordPress Security Plugins

Sucuri is a top class security plugin that provides universal safety measures for WordPress-based websites, apps, and blogs. With multiple awards and frequent recognition from leading industry brands, the Sucuri plugin guarantees peace of mind when it comes to website protection.

Key Features:

  • Constructive server audio engine to monitor potential threats.
  • File comparison algorithm to check threatening files changes.
  • Integrated SiteCheck scanner for remote vulnerabilities.
  • Checks users/addresses against common blacklist databases.

Twitter: @SucuriSecurity

Wordfence Security

Wordfence Security — WordPress Security Plugins

Wordfence is built by a team of experts who specialize in WordPress security in particular. Securing your WordPress blog with the Wordfence plugin is a painless and easy process to accomplish. With integrated algorithms that check against new threats, you can rest assured that new WordPress exploits cannot get through your system.

Key Features:

  • Large community with tens of millions of active users. (Credibility!)
  • Custom Firewall App which catches spammers/hackers before they get to your site.
  • Wordfence gathers data from all its users to build a database of known intruders.
  • Comprehensive protection for sensitive WordPress areas like the log-in page.

Twitter: @Wordfence

Solid Security fka iThemes Security

Solid WP

Solid Security specializes in WordPress theme development but managed to acquire a popular WordPress security plugin and brand it as their primary security platform. As a result, the new plugin offers the benefits of expert developers maintaining the software. Furthermore, Solid Security is currently active on 1M+ WordPress websites already, ensuring high-quality security standards.

Key Features:

  • Quality maintained by highly experienced WP experts.
  • Two-Step authentication for login pages.
  • Automated malware checks based on custom settings.
  • Password expiration after a certain time. Let’s your users have a fresh password every few months.

Twitter: @iThemes

All In One WP Security

All In One WP Security Firewall — WordPress Security Plugins

This brilliant security plugin not only takes care of security and anti-virus related issues but also provides a separate firewall protection engine. With Firewall you can quickly control how individual users/robots can interact with your site. For example, you may want to block out obvious spammers or disable individual website queries. And as you do, it nullifies the chance for intruders to succeed with their attacks.

Key Features:

  • Flexible user account security tools to prevent attacks from already-hacked databases.
  • Brute force protection which blocks IP’s after a certain limit.
  • Disables automated user approval and requires manual review for a user to be approved.
  • XXS prevention through firewall settings.

Twitter: @TipsAndTricksHQ


Jetpack by — WordPress Security Plugins

Jetpack is also part of the Automattic product lineup. The fame of Jetpack plugin comes from its extensive palette of standard WordPress features for modern websites, but it does provide separate security and backup tools. Another vital element is content optimization through external CDN’s which minimize the risk of your content getting hijacked. Also, at this time more than 3M+ WordPress blogs use Jetpack.

Key Features:

  • Stops brute force attacks before they get out of hand.
  • Monitors the server uptime and downtime. (Great to keep up with threats while you’re not online!)
  • Login protection and 2-Step authentication.
  • Automated scanning of malware, code, and threats.

Twitter: @Jetpack

BBQ: Block Bad Queries

BBQ Block Bad Queries — WordPress Security Plugins

SQL and XSS attacks are probably the most common methods of hacking when it comes to web applications. WordPress by itself tends to be relatively secure but is not immune to 0Day exploits whenever they arise. Furthermore, because WordPress relies heavily on external themes and plugins, it’s prone to third-party attacks that stem from those external tools. The best way to protect your site against malicious queries is to use a plugin such as BBQ and filter out malicious requests altogether.

Key Features:

  • Effortless setup with zero configuration options. Activate and it works!
  • Blocks all major malicious and threatening requests.
  • Doesn’t get into the way of your existing plugins, works behind the scenes.
  • Fully compatible with any of the security plugins in this roundup.

Twitter: @perishable

Login LockDown

Login LockDown — WordPress Security Plugins

If you look at common attacks on WordPress, the most frequently used methods of attacking are brute force. But also phishing scams which are typically carried out by examining already hacked websites. Also, it’s fairly common for people to use the same password on multiple sites at the same time. So, when big websites like Yahoo! or Tumblr get hacked, hackers can compare login details from that site with your WordPress blog. As a result, it’s recommended to activate a plugin such as Login LockDown as it prevents such types of attacks.

Key Features:

  • Logs all logins and limits the number of login attempts.
  • Custom IP range blocking for known attackers.
  • Admin dashboard for blockage management.

Twitter: @mvandemar

Google Authenticator

Google Authenticator – Two Factor Authentication — WordPress Security Plugins

The second best option besides locking down the login page is to use a Two-Step authentication plugin. Additionally, two-step authentication is a technique which requires for users to verify their identity through a second channel. Typically, you will get a message on your mobile phone, or a phone call. Other methods of verification include QR code scanning, email verification code, and others. The Google Authenticator, in particular, uses the Google services which are known for their durability, and of course, security. The plugin also has a feature called Fraud Prevention (RBA). Device ID, Location, Time Of Access and IP are included in RBA. Finally, the plugin supports a combination of the Device ID, Location, Time Of Access and IP as multi-factor authentication that can detect and block fraud in real time, without any interaction with the user.

Key Features:

  • Can be enabled for individual users only.
  • Security questions and email verification available as an alternative to mobile devices.
  • You can disable password requests and use Two-Factor auth only.
  • In-built data encryption for all logins or code requests.

Twitter: @miniOrange