The Best Paid & Free Copywriting Courses & Resources in 2025

Copywriting courses featured image
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Copywriting is a rare skillset. It’s a careful blend of psychology, persuasion, advertising, and sales. Plus, it takes years to master. But, copywriting remains as relevant today as it was in its infancy over a century ago.

Which means it’s a lucrative skillset, too.

To help master your copywriting skills, here are 49 copywriting courses, books and other resources that can help you get started, grasp the fundamentals, take career ownership, and eventually master this essential craft.

1. “The Adweek Copywriting Handbook” by Joseph Sugarman

The Adweek Copywriting HandbookLooking for a starting place? Look no further. “The Adweek Copywriting Handbook” by Joseph Sugarman is the perfect introductory guide to the practice of copywriting, teaching you the ropes like the importance of topic expertise, why you should write copy quickly, and how to lead readers line-by-line.

It might only take half a day to read it cover to cover. And the real world examples help crystalize each of the practical tips in each section.

Favorite quote (courtesy of Kissmetrics):

“All the elements in an advertisement are primarily designed to do one thing and one thing only: get you to read the first sentence of the copy.”

2. “The Ultimate Sales Letter” by Dan Kennedy

The Ultimate Sales Letter
“The Ultimate Sales Letter” was originally written decades ago by direct marketing and copywriting guru Dan Kennedy.

He’s since published many, many books (in addition to an info-product empire). But this remains the original, popular source.

It’s provides a high level overview of writing direct-responsive style ads that may have originally by sent to your mailbox (remember those?), but today can work just as well on AdWords, long-form landing pages, and targeted email campaigns.

The chapters flow quickly, with pithy insights shared from real-world experience, that will help you quickly understand the mindset behind forging words with persuasion.

3. Landing Pages

Landing Page

Unbounce’s guide to landing pages spans multiple topics, all designed to help you understand how to convert more readers into product sales or service inquiries. Explore recommendations on writing effective Calls To Action, landing page copy, and more.

4. Peep Laja’s Podcast: “How to Win with Peep Laja”

Peep Laja is the founder of the popular ConversionXL blog (and CRO agency of the same name). On his podcast, he discusses a wide range of topics including copywriting and content development with other industry experts.

5. ConversionXL Effective Website Copywriting

In addition to his podcast, you can get a taste for Peep Laja and ConversionXL’s work by spending the next thirteen minutes reading this in-depth blog post (that’s like a self-contained mini course).

This budget friendly intro focuses squarely on getting people to do something with the written word (like opt in for your service, download an eBook, or buy a product).

Like what you learn? CXL also offers online courses, including a copywriting course.

6. Copywriting Courses (free and by subscription)

Copywriting Course

Neville Medhora, creator of the Copywriting Courses, rode to prominence years ago as AppSumo’s chief copywriter for their amazing daily deal emails.

Each was clever and funny. Off-the-wall but insightful.

When they hit your inbox, you couldn’t resist opening and reading each one.

That same style (and the lessons behind it) have been bottled up inside his free and paid copywriting courses. The video courses are short and digestible (but actionable). You’ll also get access to a copy checklist you (or team members can follow), along with deeper dives into specific subjects like autoresponders, content writing, and how to become a copywriter.

7. AWAI’s Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting

AWAI’s six-figure copywriting program is an ideal investment for beginners looking to create a career in copywriting for themselves. It’s a completely self guided program. So you can move through ASAP. Or squeeze it in around a day job, school, or just life in general.

An extra added perk is access to their exclusive job board, Writers (fka, to help you get hired after completing the program.

You’ll build copywriting skills, but also discover how the business of copywriting works so you can hit the ground running when ready.

8. Blackford Centre for Copywriting

The Blackford Centre for Copywriting spans almost every copywriting topic you could think of, including:

  • Basic and advanced writing skills
  • Methods to research audiences
  • Direct mail, brochure, and press release writing
  • Tech copy tips including PPC ads, email marketing, SEO copywriting
  • Finding work online and offline

It’s also a self guided course that you can move through in sequence (based on the course agenda). The assignments are ‘interactive’, which means you can also get support from tutors (both email and phone).

9. Conversion Copywriting 101

Copyhackers' copywriting course

CopyHackers, by Joanna Wiebe, is a virtual treasure trove of copywriting goodness.

On the website, you’ll find free resources as well as a variety of paid courses on topics like web copywriting, email copywriting, content writing and more. You might also enjoy the option for what they call “over-the-shoulder copywriting tutorials” hosted by industry experts.

10. CopyHackers Copy School

The Copy School is a revamp on Copy Hacker’s previously successful courses for homepages, landing pages, and emails. They’ll present the the same tips and frameworks used on tech titans like Buffer, Wistia, Crazy Egg, Invision, and more. As of this publication date, you can try out the Copy School for free before determining whether or not to subscribe and enjoy additional courses.

11. CopyHacker’s Copywriting Formulas

Looking for a taste of what’s to come in the Copy School? This free blog post – over 59 minutes of reading – paves the way.

It’s a complete rundown of the major copywriting formulas for increasing conversions across every scenario imaginable. For example, homepages, landing pages, ads, emails, video scripts and even tweets.

Some of the formulas, like AIDA or PAS, have been around for years and still work excellently for the most sophisticated online companies. So you can save this resource, revisiting it again and again and again.

12. “Experts On The Wire (An SEO Podcast)”

Experts on the Wire

Podcast “Experts On The Wire” comes courtesy of respected SEO, Dan Shure. Find over 120 episodes in which the host and a plethora of talented professionals converse about a wide range of topics including how to create powerful content and sell with copy!

13. Copyblogger Academy 

Copyblogger Academy

Copyblogger has its own training program for content marketers. It has nine courses with over 30 hours of video education on a variety of writing topics. With this training, you too may one day make it onto their Certified Content Marketer page.

14. SuccessWorks SEO Copywriting Certification

“SEO Copywriting” is a unique blend of traditional copywriting skills but applied to the web in order to better rank in search engines (thus driving more visibility to your offerings and converting more readers into customers).

It’s an online course that also contains lifetime access to all lessons and new versions or updates. This course syllabus provides even more detail about what your investment includes.

15. “The Boron Letters” by Gary Halbert

The Boron Letters

Gary Halbert was a professional, well-known copywriter for years. But he’s best known now among aspiring copywriters for this famous series of letters that he wrote to his son (some of which, while sitting in prison).

It’s all here. Understanding customer psychology. Influencing that psychology to get what you’re after. And a perfect, templated model to structure your writing for maximum readability (is that a word?).

The letters were once only available inside his premium membership. They’re now available online for free. And they’re also in a Kindle or Paperback edition if you want a to-go copy.

16.  “Ogilvy On Advertising” by David Ogilvy


Oglivy on AdvertisingThis list contains the work of several notable figures from over the years. But at the pinnacle is David Ogilvy, the father of modern advertising.

He’s created many of the famous ads that are still referenced today. And this book contains his best insights from making clients millions and millions over several decades at Ogilvy & Mather.

Sprinkled in among the gems are 223 photos from real campaigns. So avoid the Kindle in this case and spend the few extra bucks for the hardcover or paperback edition.

17. “The Copywriter’s Handbook” by Robert Bly

Copywriter's HandbookCopywriting’s primary objective is to move the needle. It needs to sell, perform, and get people to take action.

The specific methods for doing that haven’t changed much (despite new technology and mediums). So the tactics or formulas that worked in the past can still be applied today to devastating effect.

Robert Bly’s “The Copywriter’s Handbook” is like a field manual that you can keep next to you while writing. It contains countless formulas, like eight headline variations, fifteen ways to open a sales letter, and another fifteen for email marketing messages.

18. “This Book Will Teach You to Write Better” by Neville Medhora

This Book Will Teach You How to Write Better
From the Copywriting Course’s Neville Medhora, here is another witty resource guide in a concise 54 pages (that you can read through in a single sitting).

It covers all the basics, from basic psychology to formulas and other style techniques like voice and tone.

Practical, to-the-point, and actionable. Can’t get much better than that.

19. Udemy Become a Freelance Copywriter

The first of several Udemy courses from famed copywriter Len Smith and Sean Kaye. This one centers on the business of copywriting and getting started in freelancing for yourself. It goes beyond the basics to include sections on ways to increase income and start generating new sales from a website.

Along the way you’ll also learn how to quickly put together a portfolio (even when starting from scratch), how to market or sell yourself, and how to get a website up-and-running within five days.

20. Udemy Copywriting Secrets

The second course from Len & Sean focuses more on writing copy.

Specifically, you’ll find out how to leverage emotion, write more effective copy faster, develop thought leadership in your industry, and even how to network with bloggers and other influencers to shed more light on your burgeoning practice.

This course contains three hours of video-based instruction with lifetime access, along with some suggested extra materials.

21. Udemy Advanced Copywriting Strategies for Online Sales

Brian Yang’s course rounds out the Udemy offerings with web copywriting material for online entrepreneurs.

This one packs over six hours of on-demand videos that you can watch as quickly (or slowly) as you’d like. There’s also 43 minutes of audio and 13 supplemental guides to take your learning further.

Brian’s course is heavy on timeless principles and formulas that can help you push the ‘hot buttons’ of prospects to drive the most results in the least amount of time.

22. The Knowledgebank: Sales and Persuasion Skills for Startups

Copywriter Len Smith now takes aim at the startup and entrepreneurial crowd with this course focused specifically on sales skills. The goal is to help real business people improve their understanding and application of persuasion (or getting people to do what you want).

There are eight major sections that include self guided videos and cheat sheets. New lessons (or “fireside chats”) are also added regularly (which past customers get free access to).

23. “Fortune 500 Copy” by Robert Bly

Robert Bly’s “Fortune 500 Copy” is exactly that: a guide to show copywriters how to write effective copy for large clients. The reason give to work with large companies? More opportunities, more pay, more repeat business, etc.

This 92-page eBook breaks down how large companies look for new copywriters, how they vet vendors, and how you can get in their good graces.

24. “Start & Run a Copywriting Business” by Steve Slaunwhite

Copywriting Business

Steve Slaunwhite delivers another ‘business of copywriting’ guide with “Start & Run a Copywriting Business”.

He teaches new copywriter’s how to begin making your first six figures, all while retaining the benefits like a location-independent business and flexible work schedule.

Steve also covers less popular (but common) problems you might face, like when a client tries to stiff you or ask for a discount. You’ll find out how to defend yourself inside.

25. The Well Fed Writer

Peter Bowerman’s Well Fed Writer has been teaching new copywriters the ropes since around 2000 (in one form or another).

What started as a simple self-published book (before self-publishing was cool) has grown tremendously into an online magazine, tele-seminars and in-person ones, mentoring, and more.

26. “Spin Selling” by Neil Rackham

“Spin Selling” was originally published back in 1988.

This was the heyday of high pressure, aggressive sales tactics. And “Spin Selling”, written by Neil Rackham, bucked that trend by instead asserting that those tactics actually hurt large scale purchases.

Instead, if you sell high priced products or services, you’d have much better luck with a more ‘consultative’ sales process.

The reason it’s included here is because the framework it presents is the real-life example for what you need to do on landing pages and in sales letters.

27. “Creating Fat Content” by Dr. Andy Williams

Creating Fat Content

“The average Google first page result contains 1,890 words,” according to a study performed by Backlinko.

That means content that performs best in search results is also incredibly long.

Churning out ~2,000 word pieces of content on straightforward, commoditized products isn’t easy. Which is why you need Dr. Andy Williams’ “Creating Fat Content”.

SEO has certainly evolved since its 2007 introduction, but many of the same principles are timeless and still ring true.

28. “2k to 10k: Writing Faster, Writing Better, and Writing What You Love” by Rachel Aaron

2,000 to 10,000
Copywriting is writing. Which means you’re limited only by the amount of energy and focus it takes to crank away all day.

Usually, that point for most mortals is only around 2,000 words. But here, author Rachel Aaron shows you a few tips (in her short 72 page book) for increasing your writing volume by 4X to 10,000 words a day.

You’ll learn how to “create characters that write their own stories” and other tips from a real, in-the-trenches fiction writer that can be applied to the art of business copy.

29. “You Are a Writer (So Start Acting Like One)” by Jeff Goins

You Are a Writer (So Start Acting Like One)Jeff Goins continues the writing theme with the appropriately named “You Are a Writer”. The point, is that what separates writers of all stripes, from everyone else, is that you need to write.

That means put up or shut up. The only one stopping you from becoming an influential, high paid copywriter is you.

This short book should serve as a refreshing wake up call to any that’s still struggling with the notion of becoming a full time writer.

30. The Writer’s Digest

The finest headline writers on the internet might well as be BuzzFeed. But not for the reason you might think.

Sure, they’re expert clickbait-ers. But you know why? Because they’re expert writers.

For example, one of the best ‘angles’ you can use is to use misdirection; starting with the opposite of where a piece will eventually end. Just like BuzzFeed does with every clickbait headline. And just like this example is doing now.

Writer’s Digest publishes a treasure-trove of actionable content for free on their site that sits somewhere between a course and a book. Let’s just call it: good.

31. “Story Engineering” by Larry Brooks

Story Engineering

Writing a sales page is no different than plotting a move. The “two executional competencies” as Larry Brooks calls them – scene construction and writing voice – are just as important when selling toothpaste as when penning the next blockbuster.

“Story Engineering” is an in-depth look at the ‘mechanical’ elements of storytelling that can be dissected, templated, and improved.

32. Pixar in a Box: The Art of Storytelling

Pixar is the best example of modern day storytelling masters that we have. Each film is a work of art – visually. But even more important are the underlying themes, metaphors, and characters that we can’t help but root for.

They’re currently sharing their secrets on self-paced, video tutorials with the Khan Academy. Each is relatively short and digestible; offering a rare look behind the scenes of their creative process and how they develop memorable storylines that stick in our heads long after we’ve left the theater.

33. Headline Hacks

Ogilvy once said that five times as many people read your headline as the body copy. Nowhere is that truer today than online, where headlines dominate social media updates and email subject lines.

Jon Morrow’s free Headline Hacks contains a cheatsheet of 52 ‘headline templates’. They’re split between categories like ‘Zen’ and ‘Threats’ that speak to our internal lizard brain; acting as a catalyst for motivation and inertia-busting momentum.

34. 7 Ready-Made Google Ads Headline Formulas to Make Your Life Easy

WordStream follows that up by applying ready-made headline templates to your Google Ads (formerly AdWords) headlines. This in-depth blog post contains seven ready-made formulas that you can slice and dice for multiple different industry examples (including local business, low-priced products, or high-priced consulting).

The difference between a good and a bad headline might be slim. But in Google Ads, it could mean thousands of dollars (if not more).

35. “Words that Sell” by Richard Bayan

Words that Sell“Words that Sell” is a research manual that contains over 6,000 words and phrases you’ve come to know and love (like “zesty” or “baby-soft”). It’ll also give you alternatives for beaten-down, cliched words like “exciting” (over 100 variations inside!).

You don’t have to already be a copywriting master to write sizzling copy if you have “Words that Sell” on your desk next to your computer.

36. 801+ Power Words That Pack a Punch & Convert Like Crazy

801+ Words

There are little, subtle nuances that separate the amateurs from the pros. One of those are the use of power words or phrases that inject emotion into otherwise bland prose.

Jon Morrow’s huge list post contains over 800 so-called ‘power words’ that can be used immediately. They’re like a shortcut that can leap off the page, latch themselves onto the reader’s brain, and not let them go until they finish hearing what you have to say.

37. “Tested Advertising Methods” by John Caples

Tested Advertising Methods“Tested Advertising Methods” is old. It was written by John Caples, one of the first “big” copywriters, decades and decades and decades ago.

It’s short and dry, and yet, most of the information still holds true. For example, it says headlines should be newsworthy and quick, while inspiring curiosity and playing to the reader’s self-interest.

BuzzFeed, anyone?

Caples also talks about the importance of testing not only copy and media, but also the position, time of day, and seasonality. Essentially the same stuff you read about today with improving Facebook ad results or running A/B tests.

38. “Scientific Advertising” by Claude Hopkins

Claude Hopkins is the guru’s guru.

Respected copywriters we’ve already discussed, like Ogilvy and Halbert, refer to Hopkins’ work “Scientific Advertising” as another “must read.”

It’s another short, dry book. And it, like “Tested Advertising Methods” before it, lays out many of the same principles we still use today (like coupons and split testing and customer tracking).

39. Skillshare: Copywriting Basics for Successful Sales

Copywriting Basics for Successful Sales is the first of three Skillshare courses by Jack Zerby. His courses are unique because they look at copywriting from the standpoint of successful online product pages and visual user interfaces. He was the former design director at Vimeo (among other places).

This first installment is 75 minutes, split down into twelve short video-based instructions that date back to many of the people we just covered from the twenties, thirties, and forties.

40. Skillshare: Mastering Microcopy

Jack’s back. But this time focusing on microcopy over the span of 90 minutes.

This unique copywriting subset deals with the tiny bits of text (like on your signup form or product labels) that have a huge bearing on whether or not someone has a successful experience with your product (or service).

It breaks down the six main types of microcopy for internet-based business people of all shapes and sizes.

41. Skillshare: Web Design and Copywriting

Jack’s third Skillshare course focuses on how you marry the design of the site with the words on a page.

He pulls from old ad men like Joe Sugarman to show you how the same principles, like “speaking in your customer’s language” can be applied to today’s landing pages or email newsletters.

42. Skillshare: Even MORE Copywriting Courses

Skill Share Copywriting Courses

Looking for even more courses? We can’t say that we’ve tried them all, but the sheer volume of over 200 available courses is an incredible learning resource!

43. “Making Ads Pay: Timeless Tips for Successful Copywriting” by John Caples

Making Ads Pay

Once again, the modern-day trends that we follow were paved long ago by John Caples. His “Making Ads Pay” dives deeper into specific creative tips meant to do one thing and one thing only: sell.

He analyzes ads, often with comparisons, to show you step-by-step reasons why one is empirically better (based on sales performance) than the other.

44. “Breakthrough Advertising” by Eugene Schwartz

Breakthrough Advertising“Breakthrough Advertising” by Eugene Schwartz is considered The Bible on ad copywriting.

It’s incredibly hard to get a hold of (currently selling for almost $400, but recently copies were sold around $500 on Amazon). It’s technical, dry, advanced, and tough to swallow.

But it’s like a one stop shop for advanced copywriting principles that are as lucrative today as they were decades ago.

45. “80/20 Sales and Marketing: The Definitive Guide to Working Less and Making More” by Perry Marshall

80/20 Sales and MarketingPerry Marshall’s “80/20 Sales and Marketing” is about optimizing performance across all of your promotional endeavors by focusing on the old Pareto Principle.

You can read this book in half a day. And probably start making money with its lessons in the second half of the same day.

The best tip comes from properly identifying your audience (with the “Racking the Shotgun” principle). Understanding how this works helps you create laser-targeted copy that maximizes impact on the small subset of people who are most likely to purchase.

48. Creative Copywriting

ANA's Creative Copywriting Course

ANA’s copywriting offering (Creative Copywriting) takes approximately 90 minutes to complete. It provides a high level overview of the tactics, like how to get started, channel-specific considerations, and more!

48. ADMA: Copywriting Essentials Course

The Copywriting Essentials Course, from The Association for Data-Driven Marketers and Advertisers, offers a course presented online with interactive or self-directed options (in one day or eight hours).

The modules start with the basic foundations, then progress into creative and copywriting techniques, before finishing up with adapting to web writing.

49. ADMA: Copywriting Advanced Course

The ADMA’s Advanced Copywriting Course is a live, in-person only workshop that builds on the fundamentals in their previous course.

The material is again presented in one day, however the sophisticated content is more suited to an audience of big brand marketers, agency directors, and other media professionals who are “in-the-trenches” on a daily basis.


Copywriting is one of those skills that can take a lifetime to master.

Reading a single book doesn’t make you an expert. And only writing – day in and day out – will eventually develop your skills.

But any one of the courses, books or resources on this list can give you a head start. Or round out your skill set to make sure there are no obvious weaknesses holding your career back.

Or your copy from accomplishing your goals: sell more.